5 Tips for WFH

Create a morning routine and evening ritual

I don’t know about you but I am a routine type of gal. But I’m also an insomniac. It’s a tough balancing act. If I don’t keep some kind of routine, I will end up combusting. 

Waking up every morning and making myself a hot green tea or iced matcha latte has honestly become my morning ritual. I love it because it starts my day off and it’s therapeutic.

In the evenings, it’s all about comfort. Even though I’m in comfy clothes throughout the day, it’s nice to change into my comfiest pair of pajamas. I love doing some bed time yoga or a guided meditation on the Calm app to end my day.

Keep your life and work (stuff) separate

I mean this in the most literal sense. When you’re done with your work, put it away, lock it up and seriously don’t look at it. Turn your work phone off, put your laptop away.

I have a specific part of my house I keep my work related devices once I’m offline and it’s been a great way to let my brain relax and unwind.

Get up and dance

I like potatoing just as much as you do. You can consider me the queen of all potatoes. But seriously, if I have a straight week of not moving I start to feel so lethargic and unmotivated about everything.

Whether it’s a stroll through your neighborhood, a quick yoga video or a stretching session, anything that moves your body will make a world of a difference. It’s crazy what a quick walk can do to help your productivity levels.

Hold yourself accountable 

I LOVE planners and to-do lists. Nothing is more satisfying than checking off that blank box. Ugh the satisfaction. Keeping my goals in front of me keeps me accountable and it’s a great way to have some order in my life when everything else is a disaster (I’m looking at you, 2020).

Been loving this weekly planner lately! It’s a great way to see what I need to do this week and it keeps me on track with everything non-work related I want to achieve. Plus, it’s a lot less intimidating than a daily planner.

Be kind to yourself

This is the most important thing. I noticed that the further into quarantine we went, the angrier I became with myself for my own lack of productivity. I was always too hard on myself for not working out enough, not getting as much done as I wanted to, for feeling like I wasted a day, etc. But look, this is a tough year for everyone. Practice gratitude and only control what you can. Work smarter not harder. And it’s okay to feel unmotivated or down.

Your feelings are valid. 

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